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Adok (Hugi Core & Royal Family) (27.09.2008) (survey) general

on Tue 30 Sep 2008 by Adok author listemail the content item print the content item create pdf file of the content item

in Interviews

comments: 5 hits: 2811

Survey of Adok
Job: main editor

Survey submitted: Sat 27 Sep 2008

Handle, ex-handle(s):
Adok, originally known as The Real Adok

Name, birthday, origin:
Claus, 1983/10/08, Vienna

Group, ex-group(s):
Hugi Core & Royal Family, in former days also Trebel, "Peace and Love"

What was your first group, your role in that group and what did that group produce?:
My first group was the Hugi Crew. I was one of the two main editors of the Hugi diskmag on PC, which was first released as a German-language magazine. I had also coded the engine for it.

What motivates you to spend time on the scene?:

What is your favorite color?:
Dark blue, green

On what platform(s) did you begin your computing journey, and when was this?:
1989 on a C64

What platform(s) do you use now?:
I'm using Windows XP and Vista.

What is/are your favorite piece(s) of music/s - from a demo production or a scener (released outside of a demo)?:

There are several diskmag tunes I like, such as Jelly Red by Zodiak of Cascada from Imphobia #6 or "sunk in ink" by Clawz of Bomb from Imphobia #12.

What is/are your favorite picture(s) - from a demo production or a scener (released outside of a demo)?:
Some diskmags have good opening pictures - for example Savage Charts, Restless, Scenial,...

Which project that you worked on was the most exciting and interesting for you? And why?:
The only project I've ever worked on has been the Hugi Magazine.

What is your favorite demo, intro, megademo, retrogame, slideshow, musicdisk, diskmag, wilddemo?:
Demo: Die Ewigkeit schmerzt (Neuro)
Intro: Heaven Seven (Exceed)
Retrogame: Shining Force 2 (Sega)
Diskmag: Generation on Amiga

Discuss: minimalistic demos, cracktros, fucktros, joke demos, lamers, compo winners at big parties, demotools, diskmags, chiptunes, glenz vectors, programming languages, photoshop, textmode:

Minimalistic demos: Demos made with very little technical effort but an impressive effect? Great.
Cracktros: Most of them are not interesting.
Fucktros: Childish.
Joke demos: Depends.
Lamers: What should I say? I'm a lamer myself
Compo winners at big parties: They get what they deserve.
Demotools: Even with Werkkzeug, it still requires a lot of dedication and talent to make a good demo.
Diskmags: I'm a big fan of diskmags and I collect them. I've written an encyclopedia with reviews of more than 70 different international diskmags for PC.
Chiptunes: I like them!
Programming languages: My favourite programming languages are C# and D. The first programming language I learned was Basic. I also know x86 Assembler and Java.
Photoshop: A useful tool for editing images.
Textmode: The Textmode Demo Competition has brought us many demos that show what impressive things are possible even in such a limited mode.

Which parties do you intend to go to, and which parties would you like to go to? Please describe your personal experiences with your most favourite or impressive party you have ever been at:
I'm not planning to attend any party at the moment. I was at Function 2000, Core 2001, Dialogos 2001, Breakpoint 2005, The Ultimate Meeting 2005 and Realtime Generation (2008). Parties aren't too exciting - the only nice thing about them is that you can meet your friends in real life.

How did the scene alter since you are taking an active part in it? Can you explain why?:
I think the average quality of the releases has increased, which is because the people have grown more experienced. Many are working in the multimedia industry or academia and use their professional skills in their hobby.

What are your dreams/goals in life, did scene help you and have you achieved them yet?:
I want to find a job that satisfies me and give me enough money to make a living (e.g. research). The scene has helped make me happy.

Finally, do you have some special greetings? Feel free to add links to your graphics, screenshots of effects, modules or other pieces of your work.:

Greetings to my mom and my dad.

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(C) by www.bitfellas.org - ask us for permission


Gargaj | 2008.10.10
Comments: 97

there was no function until 2003

Maali | 2008.10.10
Comments: 16

Registered: 2006.05.08

<Maali> i carved my first demo in bedrock 40,000 BC

magicnah | 2008.10.11
Comments: 154

Registered: 2006.07.13

cool, you filled this in on my birthday

Adok | 2008.10.19
Comments: 23

Registered: 2006.07.16

Now I remembered that I was also supposed to be a member of 5711...

Adok | 2013.01.22
Comments: 23

Registered: 2006.07.16

Oh, the name of the party I attended in 2000 was Fiasko, not Function. Sorry...

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