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Vouck (Arcade, Drifters, PhaseD, Arid Weed) (30.09.1999) musician, ascii-artist

on Mon 28 May 2007 by dipswitch author listemail the content item print the content item create pdf file of the content item

in Interviews

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Interview with Vouck/Arcade^Drifters^PhaseD
Publication: The Ascii Charts 08/99

Dipswitch: How long you have to do with computers? What was your first contact to a computer ?

Vouck: My first Computer was a C64 as i was ehhh 10 years old exactly in 1990. Later i got an Amiga500+, Amiga1200 + Amiga4000. I'm only using Amiga.

Dipswitch: How did you get in touch with with the modem scene ?

Vouck: I began to call a local Board named "The Junction" ... in 1994.

Dipswitch: When did you start drawing asciis ? Tell us about you ascii career til now (years,groups etc.) !

Vouck: I started doing ascii as i started to call "The Junction". Origin name was "Devine Intervation", later "The Gathering and now "The Junction". That name was btw my idea I've been in following groups: LookerHouse, Altern, different homegroups like "Arid Weed" eh Twilight. Yeah, these are (??) maybe all.

Dipswitch: You still own an amiga and draw on it?

Vouck: Only Amiga only CED, only DPaintV ...

Dipswitch: What became out of the aRiD wEED project which you announced some time ago? Is it officially dead?

Vouck: huh... damn i didnt expected that question. You have to know i started ALOT of own groups but i'm a lousy organizer. It was actually planned to be a REAL group, but due the fact that i did some pc/linux shit at the same time i forgot the group totally. After that i totally stopped any pc activity because its the badest machine ever; even when a uni* clone works on it. Sorry, its my opinion.

Dipswitch: What do you think about the developement of the ascii scene in 1999 till now? Do you think it's rather a decay or a rebirth?

Vouck:In the beginning of ascii there were alot of "hey you stole my style" wars. Nowadays everyone just say "hey he stole my style but i dont care"... I dunno if its a development but that decreasing interests for ascii makes surely a better and easier mood in the whole scene. There is surely a development in the ascii scene. After that long black hole of nothin else idleness more people continue her work. Thats what i call development.

Dipswitch: Are there some ascii artists which came out in the past two years who you really respect?

Vouck: Huh, respect. Thats a big word. I respect people by their character. Ascii artists are no girls, so i dont care about her face/style. I respect B aka Nup! Tommy... huh past two years. Zaner is quite cool guy, always somehow dense and he's a worthy rupper! ("rupper" means in eastgerman-slang something like a partyman).

Dipswitch: In last time there are many quarrels about readable vs. "unreadable" style. What's your opinion ?

Vouck: I can't read my style again since i began to draw in 1994. Any questions?

Dipswitch: Do drugs inspire an ascii artist?

Vouck: Hahahahaha... hu, hi... you ask the right person - believe me. But truely you dont want to draw asciis when you have crystal in the butt,
tickets in the brain and becks in the liver. I wont draw ascii on a fine E. But indirectly you can say YES. Check "Qu'est le trafiquant de drogue?"

Dipswitch: Who are your absolute ascii favorites?

Vouck: Everyone in the scene except me has a ugly style. Damn, i'm so funny today... No, as i already told: B, Tommy, me ... no stop. As you see i can't be serious. I respect persons JUST by her character. B and Tommy, Threaz are quite funny people. Listen, if i dont like your style of talking, if i think that you can't party enough then you'll surely feel it. When i dont like you, then i dont talk to you. Fact! Makes sense, or. So i dont have ascii favourites, just people that i dont like.

Dipswitch: Wanna greet some people?

Vouck: Sure. Dinkiwinki, Dipsi, LahLah, Po ... and even NohNoh ... and my girlfriends tasty pussy. Igor Zanerski for sure, Crazy, Surfing, Nup, Tommy, Dipswitch, Xcluziwe, Neurodancer, CP!, CountDan, all in Drifters, all in PhaseD, all in Arcade, all in Style. All everywhere.

Vouck: Something against if I ask a question to me?

Dipswitch: Come on!

Vouck: Are dots more "stylish" than regular ascii? Yes! They are are.

Dipswitch: =)... Thanks for the interview!

Vouck: Np!

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