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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2015 BitFellania!
Moderators: ALiEN^bf, BitBot, ne7^bf, vincenzo, KEiTO, Gargaj, CONS, imjustpickle
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Mittwoch Support Team

BitFella #1
Joined: 2006.03.18
Posts: 6945

BitJam Radio: More than 500 new tunes under the Christmas Tree

At some point you have to come to a rest. You must leave the world of bits and bytes for a few days. We're walking onto the paths of real-time art almost every day, travel through particle streams and see rotating cubes nearly everywhere while listening to all these wonderful sounds of electronic scene music. Now it's time to turn off the switch. To pull the plug. To start a reset!

What we want to say: It's Christmas today. We should enjoy that, should recharge our energy cells. Enjoy the next days with people who are important to you. Stay away from the computer - with one exception:

Over at BitJam radio there won't be any silence for the next days. We've added more than 500 new tunes to the playlist. This is our Xmas gift for you, our dear listeners. If you need a little rest from family and friends, than dive into our universe full of beautiful sounds from artists such as Romeo Knight, Yerzmyey, Dane, Moby, Lugoober, Magnar, Philter, Smiletron and many others from whom we've added something new.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all of you! See you and hear you in 2015! Stay tune-d!

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