For further information, please read this article:
BitJam - Banging Your Ear Drums by Spectral and Alien
To listen to BitJam tune into either of these streams (depending on which format you prefer, we recommend the ogg/vorbis one though!):
ogg/vorbis (80k): (24k): (128k): the stream database consists of around 23000 tunes (All kinds of different formats: Amiga mods, PC mods, Atari YMs, C64 Sids, Spectrum AYs, etc), and more are added every week or more often if we find the time.
To listen to the ogg/vorbis stream you need an ogg/vorbis aware player. Most players should support it nowadays, like winamp, foobar2000, xmms, videolan, etc.
You can even listen to it in your browser (java required)!
Just press
THIS and accept the java applet.