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BitFellas: BitJam :: Info for aMUSIC & Leviathan - Memento Mori

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[Progress: 00:00/03:08, Plays: 147, Rating: 7.7 (9 Votes), Comments: 0, Request: BitBot]
14/150 Listeners (66 Peak), 8207 Comments (24h: 0), 103919 Votes (24h: 0), 36181 Songs, 6123 Authors, 1990 Hours, Queue: 00:15:28 (5 Songs)

Song Info

Memento Mori
Length: 08:21, Page Loaded: 1741 times
Format: Stream    Platform: PC
Last Played: 11.12.24 11:02:45
Last User Request: ALiEN^bf
Total Plays: 194 (added: 01.02.08)
Appears in Favourites: 8 times

Rating: 7.4 (16 Votes)

Downloads for this track: (514 clicks)

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Votes for this track:
8: SaphirJD 01.02.08 8: ALiEN^bf 01.02.08 8: Myx 01.02.08 8: madstop 17.02.08 7: Bobic 27.02.08
7: oo 27.02.08 8: neoneye 27.02.08 7: Bac0n 06.03.08 7: zeg 11.11.08 7: pigpen 23.12.08
7: vincenzo 21.05.09 7: pohar 21.05.09 7: Koli 21.05.09 8: Mice 10.12.09 7: Salinga 31.01.10
8: Kosher-X 07.02.10

Comments for this track:
bullet SaphirJD | Comments: 234 | 2008.02.01
Beautiful Epic Track from a powerful Demo.. Perhaps my favourite Amusic and Leviathan listening experience..

Full Score for this Killer Song

bullet ALiEN^bf | Comments: 1885 | 2008.02.01

bullet Myx | Comments: 61 | 2008.02.02
I'm agree with SaphirDJD!
Best of aMUSIC and Leviathan. o/

bullet Bobic | Comments: 1865 | 2008.02.27
The best music from them, for sure. I'm totally impressed about the arrangement and I like it much more than the music from Animal Attraction, Iconoclast and especially Planet Risk, but after all I don't get so warm with this kind of (demo) music.

bullet Gargaj | Comments: 97 | 2008.02.28
I beg to differ and boldly state that this is nowhere compared to Animal Attraction - the mixdown/mastering is horrid and the whole thing just falls apart when the parts change and you can draw very distinct lines between sections, but there's no captivating "progressive" tension-filled feel that would tie it together.
It's a mashup of 4-5 nice songs but they would've worked a lot better independently.

bullet pohar | Comments: 393 | 2009.05.21

bullet ALecs | Comments: 113 | 2009.07.14
Great tune, but Gar is right - Annimal Attraction is a much better put together "song". This is a progressive rock-ballad demo soundtrack -- probably exactly as intended

bullet Salinga | Comments: 50 | 2010.01.31
Ace music. But I always have the problem that these tracks from aMUSIC feel a little bit "flat" mixed; they sound "cold" but should have a much warmer sound.

bullet Salinga | Comments: 50 | 2010.01.31
"cold" wasn't the right word, I ment "dry".

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