DC.Clark: Where Are The Amiga 32k-Games? (00.10.2002)

DC.Clark/Scarab, Thu 10 May 2007

Where Are The Amiga 32k-Games? - by DC Clark/[S]carab
Publication: Jurassic Pack 11 (2002)

Honestly spoken I didn`t want to speak or write about this topic anymore, but then at Mekka & Symposium this year there wasn`t a single Amiga 32k game and that forced to become active. Not a single game, I just wonder why!

Should we allow the PC guys to rest on their laurels? Where the heck are all the good gamecoders gone on the miggy?

It can not be that I`m one of the few guys left who`s interested in stuff like that. Okay, the performance of our "girlfriend" can`t compete with a PC but even on an 68k Amiga it`s without any problems possible to produce a more than decent game, also for example 2d shoot-em`ups. It was possible in the past and it`s still practicable.

By the way, at this point I would like to mention the fabulous games from Pink of Abyss all of you should know, didn`t you? Another good example is the recently released LegoEditor by Up Rough. After a bit precision work this should have better been released at Mekka next year. I for myself would welcome it very much if more nice Amiga based 32k games would see the lights of the day.

At MS2002 this WipeOut-Clone was released. At the first sight it looked quite promising but they should have mentioned that it`s not easy to handle if you try to steer it on your own. And why did Mr.Vain bring out Superball a second time? It was previously released on Amiga, this year he competed with exactly the same idea on PC. Does this make sense to invent the wheel a second time? And the others? Guys, you can do better!

From various chats with Amiga sceners I know that many ex-miggy coders earn their money by developing games, mostly on the GBA (Gameboy Advanced). Why don`t you show your abilities where you came from, why not go back to the roots? And I surely do not mean those accelerated graphic cards based PowerPC major games. If you`re creating games for this hardware, you can also do them for the PC.

If all of you out there think a good game is only possible on the PC, I just wonder why you think so? Come on, strain every nerve - there also exist raycaster-engines on the C64, games like Doom. Why did nobody ever release something like that on our computer platform? You could ask me "Hey, why don`t you do it yourself instead of asking others to do so?" And I`m already doing my steps into this direction - 3D isn`t far away, believe me.

I`ll try to support 32k-games for the Amiga as long as I can realise my ideas. And right now it looks quite promising. Amiga releases get more and more rare but it`s up to you mates to change this situation. Have a try and see you all at Mekka & Symposium 2003.

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