Zine #1 - 20 - Advertisements (1)

-, Fri 11 Apr 2008

Advertisements (1)

Contact SPIRIT for cool swapping.
 Write to PLK 039536 D
          7000 Stuttgard
          West Germany
  No Lamers please, Letters with
   disks will be answered 100%.
     Searching for contacts:
          Hyde of Gate
          Box 60
          15871 Hollola

To Sell:
- Amiga 2000-B + Commodore AT Card
- 1.2 MB floppy drive for the AT
- Serial interface for the AT
- Monitor 1084 S
- 20 MB harddisk. Two 3 1/2 floppies.
- Golem stereo digitizer
- Digiview Gold V3.0
- Discovery Modem C+ (1200 Baud).
- Software and some books
Call : (Switzerland) 061/692-04-41 
          Ask for Daniel

   ********* A V O I D *********
            WRITE TO :
           PLK 025153 C
           3380 GOSLAR
           WEST GERMANY

   ********* A V O I D *********

   ** !! CONTACT UNIQUE !!  ** 
   U                         U  
   N       JARI OTRANEN      N
   I     LEHDESPOLKU 5J49    I
   Q       01360 VANTAA      Q 
   U         FINLAND         U 
   E                         E
   ** !! CONTACT UNIQUE !!  **
   To Contact Spirou of Maffia
    Write To:
       Nyodlarvägen 63
       74022 Bölinge

 Wanna Swap With GATE?
       If so, write to:
        PL 26
        01201 Vantaa
      Many magazines to sell!
CHIP/ASM) and some others.
Write a letter with a short remark
and I'll send you a list. Write to 
       Orlando Budelacci
       Birmannsgasse 34
       4055 Basel

    Contact BROWBEAT for cool
     swapping!! Write to:
          Postbox 83
          36200 Kangasala
 For the best ones !!! Contact:
 Captain Carlsbetrg  Boba Fett
 P.O. Box 46         P.O.Box 8
 03600 Kla           03600 Kla
 Finland             Finland
      Only Elite Dudes !!


* Atomix is looking for contacts *
* members (Coders,Soundcomposers *
* Swappers and GFX-Artists) and  *
* and the newest stuff. If you   *
* are interrested in joining our *
* crew, then write to:           *
*  CITIZEN, Postlagernd,         *
*  1712 Tafers, Switzerland      *
* or to: ATOMIX, P.O.Box 45      *
*  4418 Reigoldswil, Switzerland *


   ///  BRAINSTORM  ///
   /      ----------      /
   / Are you looking for  /
   / Some hardware or some/
   / disks at a very fair /
   / price and fast       /
   / delivery ?  Get in   /
   / touch with :         /
   /                      /
   /    BRAINSTORM        /
   /    P.O.Box 71        /
   /    1162 St-Prex      /
   /    Switzerland       /
   /                      /
   / It's a free contact! /

BitFellas Note: the brainstorm ad is not faithfully reproduced here do to a bug (or feature, for all I know) in our content management system. Will fix this in the future if indeed it is possible.

This article originally appeared in the Amiga diskmagazine "Zine #1" by Brainstorm 1989.

Some content may refer to activities that are illegal in some countries. BitFellas does not support such activity.
Addresses and other contact information were only valid when this magazine was originally published, in october of 1989.

this content item is from BitFellas
( http://www.bitfellas.org/e107_plugins/content/content.php?content.837 )

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