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Zine #4 - 38 - Interview With D-Tect (1/2)

on Sun 04 May 2008 by Yankee author listemail the content item print the content item create pdf file of the content item

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Interview With D-Tect (1/2)
by Yankee

Monday morning 6 o'clock - it's terrible to get up so early in the morning! 7 o'clock - the train which carries me to school is late again! Sh... stop, that's good, again too late for school! (1st Lesson Biology, absolutly boooring!) 8 o'clock - I enter the Biology-Room. I sit down somewhere far away from the teacher. (She doesn't look good today, too! Did she have a long night with her.....plants....?) I have a look to the left. Charly is sitting there! Who's Charly you ask? Charly is a good friend of mine, and a member from ......D-Tect...... We think it's something very special. This could be the only school-class in the world, containing 2 members from cool groups. But that's not all! Oh no! We get out after the lesson ends and meet Shadow (Brainstorm) and Snowman (Also D-Tect!). It's much fun every day to meet them in school, and to talk about the latest news, isn't it? If you think that's all, you are again wrong. Main Break (10 o'clock!) - We get out of school and meet some more members of D-Tect. And every break we are Phreaking around! (Without a phone!) That's what we call fun! And that's why we are just good friends with D-Tect! (O.K., with most of them!) And that's why we are able to present you (maybe!?) the first interview ever made in a school-lesson for a diskmag. Whoaw, what a wonderful thing you shout!!!?)........O.K., this was just pure shit, now here comes the interview done in a boring chemistry-lesson by Yankee. My victim was Charly, one of the leading members of D-Tect, a cool guy (wearing glasses! Hae,Hae,Hae...), and just a good friend of mine. (Y: means Yankee and C: means Charly (D-Tect)) Here comes the first question:

Y: Tell us something about the members of D-Tect.
C: Here at our HQ in Loerrach/Ruemmingen are 4 guys (one coder and some swappers). In Murhardt we have 3 other coders. There are also some members in Freiburg, Kiel, Lingen and Burladingen. We only have German members.

Y: What's your function in D-Tect?
C: I'm the main swapper, compilation maker and I do all the organization.

Y: What about friendship in the scene? Are there any good friends you have, who belong to another group?
C: I think the scene is too big and there are many lamers (I have nothing against lamers, I have once been one, too!), so I can't swap with everyone and have a good friendship to all the freax who write to me. There are also many assholes in the scene like a guy called Kenobi, a loser from Lingen, who gave Spider's (D-Tect) private address to the police. I have many friends in other cool groups like: Supplex (Bloody Guy, my eldest contact), Vision 1/AFL (Andre), Avoid Int. (Buckaroo), Level 4 (Bloody Tiger), oh shit there are also some freaks in a group called "Brainstorm", or was it "Lamestorm"? Oh, stop this, autsch, boing, peng, no not the nose, no, ok, ok, seriously in the great group Brainstorm. There is one of my best friends. It's of course good old silly Shadow.

Y: What are the future plans of D-Tect? (No, not just laming around?)
C: We will continue with our Doc Disks (Y: Will this trilogy never end...? God help us.....)

This article originally appeared in the Amiga diskmagazine "Zine #4" by Brainstorm 1990.

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Addresses and other contact information were only valid when this magazine was originally published, in april of 1990.

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