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Ice (Anthrox, Punishers) (00.00.0000) trainer

on Wed 02 Jul 2008 by Ice author listemail the content item print the content item create pdf file of the content item

in Interviews

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Interview (MediasRes) of: Ice/Anthrox

Ice of Anthr0x!

How did you come up with your alias?
Back then I was a great fan of Hip-Hop.. Ice Cube, Ice-T etc. so just stole it from them!

City / Country:
Melbourne, Australia

Born year:

What was your first computer, and when did you get it?
Commodore 64 around 1983

How did you get into the scene and what groups have you been a member of?
Was never in the 64 scene as such.. Just with a group of friends, mail-ordering games.. Formed a group call FAST on the 64 "Fastest Australian Supply Team". Did a few really bad demos/intros! Did many a music rip! (Rob hubbard ruled!)

Got board of computers then stopped for a year or so.. Then bought my amiga and learned a little programing. Started "Punishers" did a few demos with some friends for fun.. Then started 1 filing games and doing trainers.. Bought my first modem and called a few pirate boards.. The Punishers name started to spread.

Was approached by ANTHROX, then only a demo group but released docs for games before they were cracked. Joined them for trainers and cracks but concentrated mainly on Trainers. Eventually I got dubbed the "Trainer God"

What was the proudest moment in your career?

Hmm. Probably the first time I got voted No 1. Trainer maker in the Crusaders Eurocharts

For what specific reason(s) do you think that you are remembered?

Hmm. Yeah i think so.. People kept voting for me as best trainer maker, and after 6 months out of the scene was still voted #3! I was very arragont and started a few wars with fellow trainer dudes which was quite fun!

What would you like to be remembered for?
Being the fastest trainer dude I suppose.

What made you stop the scene activity? (and do you remember when?)
There was some busts in Australia with phreaking.. Plus I was getting bored. (It was no longer a challenge).. and basically.. I started getting a life.. Who needs to sit in front of the computer at 4 am to train/crack a game!..

Thinking back on the good old days, is there anything you regret?
Not really, It was fun.. I was young.. But maybe i could have partied a bit more though! hheheh

What was your favorite:

Can't remember. Trained so many, that I was sick of games.. (200+ trainers on Amiga!)

Probably our first demo "The Punisher" which was fun making.. However, it was pretty crap compared to others! ( I didn't really get spread ) But was still my favourite!

Caddy/Defjam. One of the my Scene friends in oz.

Early days of the Amiga The Inner Circle (T.I.C)/ACU.. The Australians that cracked the "Uncrackable" Dragon's Lair.



In australia.. Yeah right!..

Long chats with cool friends.

Vodka and Orange / Burbourn and Coke.

What are you doing nowadays?
Now I am working with other former scene dudes (Ginnie/Quartex/Trsi, Microchip/ACU/Punishers/Anthrox, Itec/Crass) "Sprint Enterprises" involves 3 companies.
"Sprint Software": Develop & Distribute PC software
"Sprint Electronics": wholesale, distribute and mail order next generation consoles
"Sprint Online": Internet service provider Targeting small to medium business.

What are you doing on your spare time?
Raving, Going out. Maybe play a Playstation game if I'm really bored

Is there anything you'd like to say to the public (read: admires)
1. The scene is fun.. But eventually you have to go out into the Real World..
2. Don't live on Welfare... I pay enough tax already..
3. We do not use Kangaroos for transport. (Americans are so gullible!)

What is the meaning of life?
To live.

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