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VR003 - Viewing Recommendations from Assembly 2009

on Thu 20 Aug 2009 by evilpaul author listemail the content item print the content item create pdf file of the content item

in Demoscene Outreach

comments: 3 hits: 7806

Once again Helsinki has played host to the mighty Assembly demoparty. Held between August 6th and 9th, Assembly is the largest combined demo and LAN party of the year. This year the entries were both impressive and plentiful, but we've managed to narrow things down by choosing just 15 of our favourites to show to you

The 4k scene continues to improve, and the competition at Assembly had several great entries

Muon Baryon by Youth Uprising & Ümlaüt Design & Outracks

Abstract shapes floating over an eerily realistic world. The source code has also been released if you fancy trying to figure out how it was done
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dollop by SQNY

Once agin, beautifully rendered abstract shapes mixed with eerily realistic natural forms
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Deepness by Unknown Artists

Before the pattern gets too ingrained - here's a demo with just the abstract shapes
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This year's 64k competion was strong and provided us with much more variety than usual - as well as the expected hi-tech show offs we also saw good Flash and ANSI Art based entries

Transform by ate bit

A low-tech 64k demo from Ate Bit, drawing heavily on their strengths of style and great music
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Proof of Concept by Evoflash

Evoflash show us that Flash can compete not only with the style of modern demos, but also with the size-coding antics of the 64k scene
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Hotel Bar Heroes by Portal Process

A more traditional 64k demo showing off lusciously rendered objects that look good enough to eat
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Oldskool Demo
The oldskool demo competition is open to all platforms that were commonly available by 1992. This year there were only two entries in the competition!

3.5 inches is enough by Unreal Voodoo

The winner of the competition and our firm favourite. This demo runs on a Mac Classic - an 8mhz machine from 1992 with a monochrome display
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Assembly's demo competition once again provided us with some eye-popping treats

Frameranger by Fairlight & orange & Carillon & Cyberiad

A stunning demonstration of cutting edge rendering techniques, fast cars, robots and good style and design. Criticised by some for looking more like a car advert or a game trailer, admired by everyone else
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The golden path by United Force & Digital Dynamite

United Force and Digitial Dynamite take us on a fantastic journey through time and space
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The Flow by znah

One simple effect and a nice bit of Vivaldi make up this beautiful alternative to the high-tech designs of the other demos from this competition
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Short Film
The short film category showcases more traditional animation and film making techniques

There'll be balls by Kouvola Krew

Heath Robinson would be proud of this one
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Subtle Confusion by Pistoke

No 1/2-bit Cheese this year, but luckily Pistoke stepped in to provide with this stylish and humorous CG animation
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Sentience by Bad Loop

Another nice CG animation, but this time following the style of recent realtime demos a lot more closely
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Wild Demo
The Wild Demo category include demos written on any computer platform not covered by the main categories

C0D3R C0L0RZ by Throb & T-Rex

Starting off as a homage to the wonderful Debris, this Nintendo DS demo soon moved on to showcase the creators talents as well as their sense of humour. For reference, the term "coder colours" describes any colourscheme chosen by a coder rather than an artist - think of bright, eye-melting colour combinations rather than subtle or complimentary ones. The bright red, green and blue colours in this demo are a perfect example of the phenomenon
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Severity Of Grey by Evoflash

Not content with coming 2nd in the 64k competition, Evoflash also gave us this larger Flash demo in the Wild competition
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If you would like to see more releases from Assembly 2009 then you can catch most of them over at pouet. You can also find the full results here


Decipher | 2009.08.24
Comments: 1

Registered: 2006.08.10

Ouch ouch ouch! Link for Muon Baryon is wrong! Try this.

evilpaul | 2009.08.24
Comments: 4

Registered: 2006.07.10

Fixed. Thanks for letting us know!

RoBiN | 2009.09.07
Comments: 6

Registered: 2006.06.03

Great Thread! Transform by ate bit saved my day! Kewl! THX!

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