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06 SCENE - Social Media charts: thats why the modern World fail

on Fri 06 Jul 2018 by browallia author listemail the content item print the content item create pdf file of the content item

in Diskmags > Versus #8

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Social Media charts: that's why the modern World fail
= = = = =
by Browallia/Nukleus

- or how could over 18000 members in a Facebook group be confusing, ending up with unreliable data?

In vS#8, we present the best AMIGA game. In the end of this article, I present a chart based on a Facebook thread. But before reading that, please read why this is failing.

Social Media: Facebook
Topic: What is the worst Amiga game ever?
Posted: 18/03/2018, 19:49
Last answer: 20/03/2018
Comments: about 200 (not unique persons)
replies on comments: about 100
group size: 18000
Active persons: around 100(?) -> 0.5%

First trouble coming into your mind may be, that I only checked this thread during 3 days. So first failure is: there is a floating start- and end time. Ok, lets the fun go on:

This is a rule of a thumb actually. Dont complicate it for the people. You can express yourself in tons of ways in social media. So this is violating the first rule of a chart - simplicity.

Not subjective
Who is saying something does matter in Social Media (SoMe), but it should not play any role. Many followers are many likes. In science, your data is presented regardless who, this means its not authoritarian. This will have a huge impact in social media and will fail.

Well what abt voting polls then, u may think with a snorkeling smile an that old foxxy-experienced-face of yours.. well, Voting polls are transparent as well, and you get affected by others judgements and comments. You follow blind, social behavior.. also, would you like to present all the polls in a list so it will be vertically

The urge to be unique
Another thing in social media with transparency, is the aim for being unique.. to actually present a name-drop of a category, that no one has said before.

Frame population
Has a correlation of uncertainty raised by how far away the voters are from the core. With core is meant how much a person has used (still use) a true Amiga, and or as close as possible. Frame population is a bit difficult to control in SoMe

It simply doesn't matter if you have a secret Facebook group for invited persons.

how about availability then? Well, this is probably where it suffers most with people running on Amiga hardware to be honest. In 2 days, many hundreds of comments dropped in (not unique though), but assume they were all unique, please consider the fact, that only 0.5% were active. Thats like nothing, giving a huge overhead.
Transperance for charts is not that good, it may inspire others how to vote (but then, we are back to present a complete list instead for having a "fair" name-drop instead of just impact from your social media fellowers. This brings to the next point...

Clever decisions
Well, this category has a strong bound to how much time u spent for an answer. The more time u spend, the more reliable. Social media is (without research nor refering to scientific papers about behaviour), a cause driven by spontanously and daily temperament. In diskmags or chartmags, you clearly take your time for actions. Think through your answers, and do your individual measurements of a specific topic. Increased quality.

Running charts over twitter, snapchat, facebook, a blog or somewhere else you go out because you want to tell the world about your thoughts. To share YOUR perspective. What you truelly need is to do something where you are anonomous or taking as little as possible part so there is no impact of votings. Its just like if you are running a BBS and are a sysop there, and then you want people to vote about best Sysop. You will get bias, because some will vote for you...

I dont say its possible, I just say that nature of us are that we want to push out our OWN thoughts as much as possible (just like myself when I write this article).

Confusing texts
Confusing texts or emojis simply make it hard to understand. Here are some true examples I just picked while examine this
(about Amiga Games)
"Sleepwalker was great. Maybe you meant Moonwalker?"
-> well, I dont know to be honest.

"The word for gameplay is "clumpsy". It was such a great idea for a game, if it had been given to a proper software developer."
-> is this agreement or disagreement of the game? häh

etc etc..

some people comment and show reaction multiple times, while others only do it once.. Well, thats another minus for social media. Your oppinion many times simply gives you a higher ranker. Thats like if you would listen most of the time to the chaoitic duck running over the road 20 times. Please notice: only NUKLEUS rules the World mohahahaha.

Lack of nominal scale in social media
Mention the emojis earlier, but lets go a bit deeper and elaborate them. With many different kinds of emojis (haha-smiley, angry-smiley, thumb-up etc), how can you make sure what is supporting the oppinion, and how do you rank a thumb over a haha-emoji? Disgusting and not very scientific way.. Yuack!

And that brings us to my suggestions how I tried to calculate points. Again this is individual and keep in mind: this social media/online chart system is very subjective. Its based on how I would have done it (and I want to fail this baby invention so hard!)

Point calculations in social media

Initiator to name drop: 10 pts
re-namedrop of the name: 5 pts

Initiator to name drop: 10 pts
Reaction emoji to support initiator: 3 pts x amount of reactions

Weighted (but not unique):

Initiator to name drop of a game: 10 pts
Comment and agreement of game: 8 pts x amount of comments
Comment and disagreement of game: 0 pt, eg no point change each time
Comment and suggest another game: 10 pts for new name drop
Reaction emoji (like,haha,angry,heart): 3 pts x amount of reaction
re-Feed your own thread: 0 pt, eg no point change each time

Weighted (unique):
same as above, but if some people are more active than others, their
points are a bit better distributed.

Eg if a person send in 5 games, they all just get 2 pts each
If sending in more than 5 unique game-suggestions, the 6:th will simply be truncated. I understand there is many ways to do this interpretation, and I love to fail here, because that gives reliable points to a chart mag (until someone is proving me wrong).

Based on two forum posts above, I tried to sort out how people's comments, likes, suggestions and varities of emojis were going.. Time for part 2 of this article....

Please notis, those charts are done by a feeling when compiling these two lists in March 2018. Anyway - those charts to fix from Social Media were my worst 3 hours of my Life


01 Rise of the Robots
02 Street fighter 2
03 Outrun
04 Akira
05 Dragons Lair
06 Double Dragon 1 & 2
07 Top Banana
08 Castlevania
09 Sim Ant
10 Dangerous Streets
11 Denise the Menace
12 Cliffhanger
13 Robocop 2
14 Thunder cats
15 Sidewinder II


01 Wings
02 Another World
03 Slam tilt
04 Turrican 2
05 Monkey Island 2
06 Lemmings
07 Monkey Island 1
08 North & Soutch
09 Sensible world of Soccer
10 Moonstone
11 Rick Dangerous
12 Super cars
13 Elvira 1
14 Project-X
15 Gravity Force
16 Stunt car racing
17 Zak Mc Kracken
18 Pinball fantasies
19 Rocket Ranger
20 Speedball 2


Social Media, maybe you agree with the charts after all? Maybe you find this data accurate? After all, SoMe has come to stay (?)

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