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BitFellas: BitJam :: Info for Virgill - Zine Headlines

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by JC
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[Progress: 00:15/02:35, Plays: 39, Rating: 6.0 (2 Votes), Comments: 0, Request: BitBot]
9/150 Listeners (66 Peak), 8205 Comments (24h: 0), 103896 Votes (24h: 0), 36181 Songs, 6123 Authors, 1990 Hours, Queue: 00:16:55 (5 Songs)

Song Info

Zine Headlines
Length: 03:02, Page Loaded: 1519 times
Format: Stream    Platform: PC
Last Played: 11.02.24 20:32:58
Last User Request: ALiEN^bf
Total Plays: 283 (added: 10.09.07)
Appears in Favourites: 8 times

Rating: 7.3 (21 Votes)

Downloads for this track: (409 clicks)

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Votes for this track:
8: ALiEN^bf 10.09.07 7: Myx 10.09.07 7: Buzzer 11.09.07 7: gloom 12.09.07 8: SaphirJD 12.09.07
8: zeg 15.09.07 7: madstop 26.09.07 8: Axel 26.09.07 7: Serpent 26.09.07 8: 505 10.11.07
7: Lee CuLpRiT 11.12.07 8: neoneye 22.02.08 8: chromag 28.04.08 8: Bobic 30.06.08 8: vincenzo 11.11.08
8: bittin 08.12.08 7: CONS 25.03.09 3: Brainbug 26.03.09 7: boomt 29.07.09 7: Frogg 22.11.10
7: Mice 12.04.11

Comments for this track:
bullet Axel | Comments: 165 | 2007.09.26
I totally dig this track, but I might be biased. Great mood in this song, Virgill, and a lot of energy.

bullet spectral | Comments: 127 | 2007.09.30
Awesome track for sure (don't need to be biased to hear that!)

bullet Virgill | Comments: 147 | 2007.11.03
it was fun producing this one. It´s not the usual "virgill" style. In fact my first try making trancehouse. Oooh yes I´m a "preset sau"!!!

bullet Myx | Comments: 61 | 2007.11.10
No excuses.... this is a great track.

bullet Lee CuLpRiT | Comments: 1909 | 2007.12.11
Certainly catchy. Well suited 4 this type of demo. Good 1

bullet neoneye | Comments: 62 | 2008.02.24

bullet chromag | Comments: 293 | 2008.04.28
I'm a preset sau, too!

bullet Bobic | Comments: 1865 | 2008.06.30
Shame on me that I forgot to vote for this masterpiece until now! Here you go for my points . . . . . . . . (8 points)

bullet ALiEN^bf | Comments: 1885 | 2008.11.11
Good to know it's called "trancehouse". I guess I liked trancehouse before I knew what's it called like then

bullet Frogg | Comments: 259 | 2010.11.22
excellent track but why is there an empty space around 1:38 ?

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