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BitFellas: BitJam :: Info for Crankshaft - Ocean Machine

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Songs: 36181, Authors: 6123
by JC
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[Progress: 02:30/02:49, Plays: 135, Rating: 6.2 (5 Votes), Comments: 0, Request: BitBot]
7/150 Listeners (66 Peak), 8205 Comments (24h: 0), 103900 Votes (24h: 0), 36181 Songs, 6123 Authors, 1990 Hours, Queue: 00:13:40 (5 Songs)

Song Info

Ocean Machine
Length: 06:02, Page Loaded: 3017 times
Format: NA    Platform: Amiga
Last Played: 03.05.24 14:44:49
Last User Request: ALiEN^bf
Total Plays: 368 (added: 11.03.07)
Appears in Favourites: 19 times

Rating: 7.5 (26 Votes)

The Black Lotus - Ocean Machine

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Votes for this track:
8: ALiEN^bf 11.03.07 8: SaphirJD 14.03.07 8: Myx 20.03.07 8: spectral 24.03.07 8: ultra 13.04.07
8: Virgill 18.04.07 7: ALecs 17.07.07 8: 505 21.07.07 8: Serpent 16.08.07 6: gg 24.08.07
8: pohar 28.09.07 7: madstop 30.09.07 7: Buzzer 18.01.08 5: neoneye 23.02.08 8: Bobic 26.02.08
8: Mice 09.04.08 7: Lee CuLpRiT 25.05.08 8: skan 19.11.08 8: pigpen 21.12.08 6: CONS 21.02.09
7: Arvoitusmies 28.02.09 8: helge 18.12.09 8: Kosher-X 04.01.10 8: vincenzo 12.02.10 8: shazz 01.08.10
8: P1P 31.07.12

Comments for this track:
bullet ALiEN^bf | Comments: 1885 | 2007.03.11
MASSIVE! And the demo is a beauty.

bullet SaphirJD | Comments: 234 | 2007.03.14
This is what i call great Music

bullet SaphirJD | Comments: 234 | 2007.03.20
And i truly love the Nice Melody... one of the greatest Tunes i ever have heard

bullet ultra | Comments: 8 | 2007.04.13
great stuff

bullet 505 | Guest | 2007.07.21
What a lovely song, works so great with the demo

bullet Myx | Comments: 61 | 2007.08.26
Impressive atmosphere.... good days of Amiga

bullet madstop | Comments: 78 | 2007.09.30
very nice Tune and Demo

bullet Bobic | Comments: 1865 | 2008.02.26
It's in my car, on my iPod, my mobile phone, my CD player, my computer... it's everywhere and it's the melody which is played when flushing my toilet. It's everywhere and a big part of my life. A true masterpiece. Best music I've heard in 2005 - and I'm not speaking about demoscene music only!

bullet Lee CuLpRiT | Comments: 1909 | 2008.03.17
Its on my mp3, pc. I had the will power 2 stop there, while I was still in control lol

bullet pigpen | Comments: 25 | 2008.12.21
What Bobic said

bullet CONS | Comments: 1644 | 2009.02.21
Very massive sound variety

bullet shazz | Comments: 4 | 2010.08.01
"la moutarde c'est bon... c'est pour ça que c'est bon"...
bien sûr bien sûr...

great track for a great demo

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