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by JC
BitJam 221 - Out Now!

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[ raww.org ] Sundown 2006 Finished

[ raww.org ]
Sundown 2006 Finished
So, I'm back from Sundown. I now need a lot of sleep, but alas I'm back at work. Only 5 days to the weekend. The party was good - some great productions which you can grab over at Pouet.net. Of note there were 3 ZX releases which is a high number for a multi-format party. "<3 krunk" was the latest release by Ate Bit. I don't recall where this came in the results, tho' I do know that the winner was "Koopaville" by Gasman and Equinox. It deserved to win if only for the fantastic raster effect. It has to be seen, but make sure you use a 128k/+2 as it was timed specifically for my ZX.
A "new group" hit the scene also - Ate Arse consisted of me & evilpaul with Gasman on the AY. The first release is "<3 smash", which is... well you probably had to be at the party to "get" it. I also released an "unfinished" screen$ into the oldschool graphics compo, and came a staggering last place. Maybe I'll finish it some day. Maybe.
So that's it. It's all good. More news when I wake up.

Edit - first few photos have popped up over on ukDemoScene.org.
[Submitted by BitBot]
Posted by Ghandy on Wed 11 Oct 2006 | Hits: 671 | Read/Post Comment: 0 |
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