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BitFellas ArtCity Update #21 - Crossing the 30k border

--- Newsticker --- With great pride we are announcing that ArtCity now features over 30.000 pixelworks from all platforms. And while we are doing some statistics, ArtCity features 5.000+ artists, 5.000+ comments, 40.000+ votes and 150.000+ tags placed with 4.000+ unique tags. And there are many more graphics to be added in the future. Thank you to all our supporters and of course all artists who keep creating these beautiful artworks. And finally, a personal shoutout to the people who ran gfx-zone for so many years and with their work, inspired us to continue their legacy.
[Submitted by CONS]
Posted by ALiEN^bf on Mon 02 Feb 2015 | Hits: 3320 | Read/Post Comment: 0 |
Render time: 0.1222 sec, 0.0754 of that for queries. DB queries: 32. Memory Usage: 945,200b