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Listeners: 11 (Peak: 66)
Songs: 36181, Authors: 6123
by JC
BitJam 221 - Out Now!

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ZINE #12

00 - Welcome to the ZINE #12 Online Edition

(hits: 3510)

01 - Editorial

(hits: 2816)

02 - Credits - ZINE 12

(hits: 2793)

03 - About the ZINE interface

(hits: 2499)

04 - The history of ZINE

(hits: 2749)

05 - Lifeforce Development Journal

(hits: 8358)

06 - Party organizer roundtable

(hits: 3684)

07 - 4k Intro Round Table

(hits: 6073)

08 - Timbaland update

(hits: 4373)

09 - Intel Compo 2006 Flashback: Participants interrogated

(hits: 2921)

10 - Intel Competition - Interview with Intel

(hits: 2756)

11 - Intel Competition 2007: The new faces

(hits: 2565)

12 - ZINE meets SIGGRAPH

(hits: 2685)

13 - SIGGRAPH: A beautiful discovery

(hits: 2527)

14 - SIGGRAPH: An interview with Paul Debevec

(hits: 3036)

15 - Demoscene outreach at FMX

(hits: 2851)

16 - Demos in the eyes of a games journalist

(hits: 2883)

17 - 2D: To get on the right track

(hits: 7875)

18 - SCEEN: The story behind the delay

(hits: 2970)

19 - Atari Scene Quo Vadis?

(hits: 3240)

20 - ZX Spectrum scene status

(hits: 8688)

21 - Developing a community: The creation of BitFellas

(hits: 3099)

22 - Interview with aMUSIC

(hits: 3854)

23 - Interview with kb

(hits: 8764)

24 - Interview with Preacher

(hits: 7206)

25 - Interview with Purple Motion

(hits: 4161)

26 - Keep on going - Carve upon my stone: I will go on

(hits: 3799)

27 - The Making of Sprite-o-Mat

(hits: 3765)

28 - The Making of Desert Dream on C64

(hits: 9508)

29 - The Making of Angelic Forum

(hits: 19227)

30 - The Making of Rebellion

(hits: 3761)

31 - Shading Engine Graph

(hits: 8835)

32 - Quarterrific Assemblessings

(hits: 5008)

33 - Look and Feel

(hits: 5073)

34 - Video didn't kill the radio star

(hits: 3392)

35 - Demo reviews

(hits: 2640)

36 - Confessions of a Scene Wannabe

(hits: 15970)

37 - From Pokemon to the Demoscene

(hits: 3981)

38 - Drum'n'Bass in the demoscene

(hits: 8582)

39 - An Exercise in Microhistory - Simulaatio 5

(hits: 2954)

40 - Losing my virginity - Icons 07

(hits: 3538)

41 - Horde 7.7.7 report

(hits: 2721)

42 - Axis of Evil - Fairlight is jarig - Backslash report

(hits: 3343)

43 - My home - my demo scene

(hits: 2732)

44 - Scene on TV

(hits: 2634)
Render time: 0.3780 sec, 0.2516 of that for queries. DB queries: 71. Memory Usage: 1,176kb