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BitJam 221 - Out Now!

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BitJam Podcast 31-40

Hardread and BitFellas present BitJam Podcast!


BitJam Episode #40

Episode #40 - ExoticA
ExoticA brings you a podcast with a selection of tracks from the ExoticA website.
Including some popular game tunes as well as some more exotic musical delights.

Compiled by BuZz and XtC. Mixing by Vincenzo and XtC, jingles by Barry Leitch, ne7 and Buzzer, logo #40 by KF

01. Turrican Medley by Chris Huelsbeck (Mixed by XtC)
02. Electric City by Jazzcat
03. Kompo by Felix Schmidt
04. Prehistoric Tale Title by Jochen Hippel (Mad Max)
05. Naked Chip by John Carehag (Ziphoid)
06. Sly Spy Title by Tim Follin
07. Unreal - Ingame (flying) by Reyn Ouwehand
08. Tim Follin - LED Storm
09. RSI megademo loader by Darius Zendeh (MarkII)
10. Limited light by Manfred Linzner (Pink)
11. Paradox Crack Intro (Can you feel it Angels!) by Samplemixer
12. Hybris Title by Paul van der Calk
13. Criticals Promotion - Ron Klaren (Master Blaster)
14. Zero Impression by Daiz'l
15. Dyter 07 by Karsten Obarski
16. Jim Power - level 3 by Chris Huelsbeck
17. Shadow of the Beast 2 Gameover by Tim Wright (CoLD SToRAGE)


BitJam Episode #39

Episode #39 - Boyc at
Demoscene meeting 0011 with [d]vision with guest speaker BoyC gives you a interesting look into the creation of 64K Intros - How to make stunning effects with minimalistic code.

Mixing by Vincenzo, jingle by ne7, logo #39 by H2O

--- Boyc's speaking part 1 ---
01. Parsec by Sonic
--- Boyc's speaking part 2 ---
02. Stash soundtrack part 1 by Probe
--- Boyc's speaking part 3 ---
03. Stash soudntrack part 2 by Probe
--- Boyc's speaking part 4 ---
04. Heaven 7 by Shaman
--- Boyc's speaking part 5 ---
05. Please the cookie thing by Crystal Score
--- Boyc's speaking part 6 ---
06. FR08 main by KB
--- Boyc's speaking part 7 ---
07. Squish by AND
--- Boyc's speaking part 8 ---
08.Project Genesis part 2 by innocent
--- Boyc's speaking part 9 ---
09. Meet the family by Reed
--- Boyc's speaking part 10 ---
10. Rude awakening by Gargaj
Total playtime: 52:57min.


BitJam Episode #38

Episode #38 - Fighting tunes
Martial Arts has been a fascination for many composers working within the demoscene, as well as the subject of many classic game soundtracks. It seemed only fitting then, that we should dedicate an episode of the podcast to these tunes - some with an oriental feel, some that just kicks your ass. Enjoy!

Mixing by Vincenzo, logo #38 by KF

01. Ninja 3 chip-cover by Reptile
02. Ninja starts school by Dubmood
03. Kicking like hell by Dj Joge
04. IK plus by Rob Hubbard
05. Take it easy (Inter karate house remake) by SiLeX
06. The Last Ninja by Instant Remedy
07. Body Blows by Allister Brimble
08. Judo grooves by Radix
09. A shogun named Paul by Radix
10. Samurai warrior by Majkol
11. International Karate by Bas Lookman
12. Bruce Lee (Psycho mix) by Bart Klepka
13. Kungfusion by Paniq
Total playtime: 42:16min.


Bitfellas presents: BitJam Episode #36-37 Double Trouble!

Logo #36-37 by H2O

Due to last weeks technical problem, we decided to air episode #36 and #37 after each other
to compensate last weekends 'podcast-less-nights'.
Big-big thanks to Cons and 505 for mixing, H2O and Brainbox for banners!

Download links: [bitjam_36.mp3] | [bitjam_36.cue] | [bitjam_37.mp3] | [bitjam_37.cue]


BitJam Episode #37

Episode #37 - Atari ST tunes
During the period of 1989-1992, which one could call the peak of the classic Atari ST demoscene, a huge amount of ST-megademos were released. The were full of wobbling logos, flexible and entertaining scollers, dot effects, sprites, bobs, flat shaded 3d... and all that along with YM-chipmusic. The dominating musician back than was doubtlessly Mad Max beeing responsible for about 90% of the Atari demomusics in some way. Nevertheless quite an amount of other chipmusicians participated in the demproductions as well. Some of the heartpieces of all those musicians are compiled in this Podcast.
For an Atari ST scener its likely a mix of very well known tunes and speaking personally, some of the tunes wake some really good old feelings in me still today. For other demosceners it might be a bit of a best-of-compile from those years - when three channels were an orchestra, 16 colors were enough for our oil-paintings and so many limits still had to be broken.

Selection and mixing by 505, logo #37 by H2O and Brainbox

01. Chaos by Scavenger
02. Lap 33 by Lap
03. ENS 7 by ENS Music
04. Ooh Crickey wot a Scorcher Main Menu by Mad Max
05. Mathematica by Dark Angel
06. Beat Nick by Mad Max
07. Reality by Big Alec
08. Sharpness Buzztone by Jess
09. Snork Main Menu by Skyline
10. Knuckle Joe by Scavenger
11. There aren't any sheep in outer Mongolia by Mad Max
12. Stephanie by Antichrist
13. Once again by Jess
14. Vixit in his bath by Epic
15. So watt-TBC by Mad Max
16. PYM - Best part of creation by Big Alec
Total playtime: 42:54min.


BitJam Episode #36

Episode #36 - Bitjam Anthologies feat. Virgill - 20 years of demoscene music
To honour the scene gladiators, that entertained us for decades, the BitJam dynasty proclaims the first part of the greatest games you can attend to with your senses:
BitJam Anthologies featuring Virgill - 20 Years of Scenemusic.

Mixing, compiling and jingle by Cons, logo by H2O

01. Rofos theme (1987)
02. Hammond (1988)
03. Frankys revenge (1989)
04. Plasmacrap (1990)
05. Headcrash intro 4 (1991)
06. Vite and plack (1992)
07. Back to my roots (1993)
08. Dying ten thoughts (1994)
09. Hard sun (1995)
10. Zero (1996)
11. Culturebag (1997)
12. Sphinx (1998)
13. Mystified (1999)
14. Phat funky (2000)
15. Elements (cooperation with Tasium) (2001)
16. Music (2002)
17. Mindcandy trailer (2003)
18. Artcity (2004)
19. Komm oh Tod du Schlafes Bruder (2005)
20. Speckdrumm invitation (2006)
21. Zine intro (2007)
Total playtime: 58:53min.


BitJam Episode #35

Episode #35 - Best cooperation tunes
From the very early days, demoscene composers have always collaborated, and some of the scene's most classic pieces have come from such cooperations. Welcome to BitJam Podcast #35, where we present to you the creme de la creme of these pieces.
Listen to this the only appropriate way - in stereo

Mixing by Vincenzo, jingle by tEiS, logo #34 by H2O, text by Menace

01. Killing floor by Chorus and Sid
02. Beyond simplicity by Siren and Sirrus
03. Legoman by Mitch and dane
04. Clairvoyance by Doc Holiday and Twilight
05. Overload by Tip and Mantronix
06. Sisumies by Planet Boelex and Mosaik
07. Like a childbirth by Virgill and Cons
08. Hyperventilation by Yolk and Legend
09. Camel without filter by Pedro and Guy
10. Meet the biots by Lug00ber and OptimizE
11. Telos soundtrack by Gloom and Flipside
Total playtime: 47:07min.


BitJam Episode #34

Episode #34 - Preselected tunes
In this episode we selected prejuried tunes from various parties. Sometimes they are better than the played ones. Aren't they...?

Mixing by Vincenzo, jingle by tEiS, logo #34 by KF

01. Sunstone by Buzzer (Assembly 1995)
02. Smile by Mr. Suxx (Contest 1999)
03. We love old samples by Axel and MCA (Buenzli 15)
04. Hiding in the rainforest by Magnetic (Conference 3000)
05. Inner mind by NDi (Assembly 2005)
06. Spacewurst by Serpent (???)
07. Stream overflow by Buzzer and Mice (Assembly 2006)
08. Kota kakumi by Little Bitchard (Assembly 2005)
09. Yesterday's journey by Signal (Assembly 2006)
10. Retrohammer by Vincenzo (Breakpoint 2007)
11. Farting synths by Aikapallo (Assembly 2005)
12. Export by KSCO (Assembly 2005)
13. In the 4th dimension by Kim Valori (Assembly 2006)
14. Overload by Byproduct (Assembly 2007)
Total playtime: 47:03min.


BitJam Episode #33

Episode #33 - Hardread - We are back in town!
This is your backstage ticket. You can look into the magician's hat. These are the best songs from Pohar's Favourites list at Bitfellas.org.
And don't forget to visit our new podcast page: http://hdpocast.blogspot.com!

Mixing by Vincenzo, logo #33 by KF, compiled by Pohar

01. Delta Remix 2001 by Bluejooz
02. Hux Flux Deluxe by Random
03. Redemption 6.4 by Intensity
04. Binary flow C64 cover by Vincenzo
05. Dopus by Archon
06. Know me by KEiTO
07. Ma petite fleur by Radix
08. Brother in the sky by Chromag
09. Voodoo by Chromag
10. Texture of destiny by DQ
11. Vesztohely telen by Xenophobe
12. Out the exits by Lug00ber
13. Project 11 (An Angels love) by Hazel
14. State of mind by JCO
15. Cheddar remix by Man With No Alias, 1in10 and Irschtas
Total playtime: 1:02:22min.


BitJam Episode #32

Bitfellas proudly presents: Merregnon!

Merregnon is a soundtrack CD project for which renowned composers from the game industry contribute brand-new titles. By writing orchestral music the artists tell a story taking place in a newly created fantasy-universe.
Stars like Chris Huelsbeck (Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 2), Yuzo Koshiro (Shenmue) and Fabian Del Priore (Cultures 2) already speak for themselves.
They, and a number of many more music veterans, have signed on to work on this album trilogy, whose atmosphere will additionally be nourished with impressions and pictures from the richly decorated booklets.
(text taken from www.merregnon.com)

Mixing by Vincenzo, logo #33 by Merregnon studios feat. Alien^PDX
Special thanks to Bobic, who made this episode possible. Thank you!

The first part of the podcast contains orchestral music from Merregnon Soundtrack CD Vol.1
01. Welcome to Merregnon by Jonne 'Purple Motion' Valtonen
02. Secrecy of Deep Affection by Gustaf 'Lizardking' Grefberg
03. Story of Humans and Dragons by Allister Brimble
04. Burning Lascest by Olof 'Blaizer' Gustafsson
05. King Arame's Castle by Gustaf 'Lizardking' Grefberg
06. Evil Wizards's words by Jonne 'Purple Motion' Valtonen
07. Encounter with the Dragon by Fabian 'Rapture' Del Priore
08. Final Confrontation by Jason Chong

The second part is a selection from the freely downloadable music of the website
09. Alexa's theme by Peter 'Skaven' Hajba
10. Fighting the outlaws by Jan Zottmann
11. Wetlands by Ron and Xerxes
12. In the beginning by Fabian 'Rapture' Del Priore
13. Betrayal by Frederic 'elmobo' Motte

Total playtime: 42:59min.


BitJam Episode #31

Episode #31 - Atari Falcon classics
Back in 1992 the new Atari Falcon arrived. Its specifications like a Motorola 68030 CPU, True Color graphics, a DSP and high quality sound was a great new playground for demomakers. While the Atari ST scene was largely dying, a lot of great demos, full of high skilled craftwork and innovative ideas, where created on the Falcon around the middle of the 90s. This episode presents a selection of the music that came along with those colorful demowonders. Have a nice trip back into these lovely times.

Mixing, compiling and jingles by 505, logo by H2O

01. Obnoxious intromusic by Scy
02. Obnoxious demosequence 6 by Front6
03. Obnoxious demosequence 5 by Front6
04. Obnoxious demosequence 3 by Front6
05. LFOverkill (A-Gain remix) by Tommy
06. Wind of suprex by Stax
07. Psycho voyage by Tommy
08. Kry...delta by Ripguy
09. The age of boshing by Fried
10. Dentrotheme by Domm
11. Insignia by Stax
12. Checkered subgliep by Scy
13. R-U-Experienced revisited by Djamm
14. Lost blubb - phase 1 by Stax
15. Lost blubb - wild element (original) by Stax
Total playtime: 47:06min.


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